
Ron is David Tracy’s Ghost of Christmas Future.

If she’s pushing herself or humanity further in the abstract sense, “further” is right. 

If I recall, they started the movie prominently with the old “if I have an ax and I have to replace the handle, and then later I have to replace the ax head, is it still the same ax?”, as they did the book - and then completely removed the significant plot elements that pertained to

I think by that definition, further is correct - because she’s more significant than just physical distance.

My local Blockbuster as of the start of 2018. I’m still a member.

All bets are off.


Ive been following this via James Fell, who is one of my favorites. Aragon has been dropping every single excuse in this books. His apologies have turned into non-apologies. Everything is blamed on alcohol. The more I hear and read about this whole series of events, and the more I see how much backup he was getting

That’s so 2015.

Sacha Baron Cohen can just drag the lawsuit on for 18 years and Roy Moore will naturally lose interest.

Q: What did the ocean say to the sailboat?

Not personally, no, but on mine the paint is a little thicker on the right front fender, which I find tends to wear on the suspension more than I’d like. I can feel it under especially hard braking. 

How is It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia not on this list!? Season 13 starts Wednesday!  

Florida actually stays very humid right through October.

That dude is 100% fucking with Jeff, right? Please?

I have a feeling I’ll be him one day...Four and counting!

Oh the irony of you writing this story!!

That opening gif is not representative of the reaction she would have. That’s more of an “Oh you..” instead of the more real “What the fuck Adam?!”.