
I can already picture the new Avengers 4 poster...

Forget the milkshakes, start selling horchata.  

Dad take: WORTH IT.

In the latest clip, Wasp uppercuts a van an SUV (with another van) during a car chase with Walton Goggins.

Rick Carlisle coaching Dennis Smith Jr. and Luka Doncic?  Sign me up.

So is this a post about entomology or etymology?

I like it, but I don’t think you can ask that kind of coin for it. I’d have to spend too much time repairing it for it to be worth $4500. CP, but A for effort. This is the kind of vehicle you sell to a family friend for $500 and then help them fix things when they break.

“Don’t trust the experts; trust your gut!” ... is the modern American slogan.

I think you should read the article you linked

I’m going to remember that move next time I get into a fight.

Are those numbers per person? My numbers in Mint are telling me I average about $875/month for my family of 5 food bill.

Monica Seles, though

I went to a local Aldi’s not that long ago. My wife and I noticed something oddly familiar about some of the offerings and their packaging. . . Curiosity compelled me so I googled that shit. Turns out the brothers split the company in Germany, with one coming stateside decades ago, picking up a local chain and

WW2 pics... Is that a certain plumber taking time out to paint?

Oh sorry, we should’ve mentioned the loaded fries at Spago.

Can I give you negative stars for that comment?

Keep it original and sit on it until prices skyrocket because all old boxters have been modified/destroyed. Alternatively, buy it and modify/destroy it because it’s so cheap. I’m thinking Renegade.

Picked this up for $500 last weekend in (small) part because of this event. Now y’all making me wish I’d held out for a wagon.

#RadwoodAustin @COTA
Make it happen.

How dare you omit the most important fact about this man?