
Totally agree. Those shows were magical for us.

For the longest time I thought Peter Hooten — the guy who portrays Strange in the 1978 Dr. Strange made-for-tv flick — was porn actor John Holmes, trying to go ‘legit’.

THR reports a fourth film in the xXx franchise is now in development with Vin Diesel and The H Collective.

I still think it’s the best Hulk we’ve had

I’m not going to lie... I keep hoping that the new MCU Spiderman films will have a flashback and show that Nicholas Hammond was Uncle Ben.

I miss Craig Ferguson. James Corden is no Craig Ferguson.

The Stair Car already had a cameo in the MCU:

You have a point... but honestly, Ron Howard. It might not be anything special, but I have total faith in his ability to put together a solid movie. Nothing great or transcendent, but I think he’ll make it work. The guy’s been in Hollywood his whole life, he’s a consummate pro.

Hawkeye’s going to arrive somewhere in the Bluth Stair Car.

If his character isn’t the bad guy I’ll be shocked

Los Gatos police

“What do you do with André the Giant when he’s passed out drunk?”

Welcome to my transcendent state of existence. It is a wonderful place to be, full of extradimentional foods.

Yeah I can understand that grievance. It was the headband from season one I believe, used to suppress Shadow King control.

The darkness issue is the same one I have with the first season of Dairedevil. So I know your pain.

Same here. I was sooooo hoping for a breakout into ONE BANANA TWO BANANA THREE BANANA FOUR

The Razorback has been an all-time fave ship since I first read about it (everyone forgets spaceship racing!), so getting it in its full glory was a wonderful moment for me.

I thought it was the headband they had used on David at the end of Season 1 to constrain the Shadow King.

I think he was just showing him he was packing a gun.

For a moment I got my hopes up thinking we might be about to get some sort of Banana Splits-themed dance number (That wasn’t “Buffalo Soldier” by the way.) Maybe later in the season if they figure out how to recombine.