
So the Academy decided to play it safe by instead selecting a romance between a mute janitor and a fish-man trapped in a science lab? If they had gone with a typically drab ‘prestige’ film like The Darkest Hour, I’d agree with the point, but I don’t think giving a Best Picture Oscar to a fantasy love story inspired by

Stranger Things: RE Maya Thurman-Hawke casting

I Florida’d it for you.

Please GM, give those of us in the US the Eurospec version without the cladding!!!, PLEASE!!!!!

In all fairness, if I could get through life without pants, I would do it.


That’s a pretty great cover. I can’t wait for that movie to come out, though.

well maybe if they stopped making new trucks look like bloated catfish sales would improve

When did Sarah Lance become a character on Westworld?

I listened to all 3 books and really enjoyed them. Though I am not sure I would have finished them if I had to read them. The readers were very good and kept me interested in the story.

The only black hole that matters is the Disney film. We need a reboot!

Oddly enough, it looks like ‘star is might be in Deadpool 2.

Thinking about rebadging my Malibu

“His boxer engines are proficient in eight other martial arts.”

I’m pro-second amendment who also supports sane gun control laws.

Nice hat.

Maybe I should tweet at DC that I have ideas for a Space Cabbie movie.

You should give the film a chance. Not even a mention of the tower/hole controversy, and shares next to nothing with the book besides the very bare-bones outline.