
You know most of the people living here are bland, uninteresting types who wouldn't appreciate such a spicy condiment.

Yay, no more bullshit emails about whatever nonsense Trump has declared today!

We'll still be at work come Monday, seeing as the department ran just fine even when he was there.

There's a reason my dad, also a Vietnam Vet, hates McCain. This article pretty much articulates why. And from he's told me, it's not uncommon of other Vietnam vets to hate him as well for these things.

That's not very difficult; all they have to do is lower the civilian death levels.

Thigh high high heel boots, and the classic leotard wedgie or nothing.

Funny enough, the first Avengers had two 90's bands for their soundtrack, though they did new songs.

It won't be me; current Danvers is horrible, and the comics seem to be doing their best to turn her into Tony Stark without the money: stupid, stubborn, and perfectly fine breaking laws because "she's right."

That's DC and Fox. Marvel Studies has nothing to do with either.

Considering Wilson turned away Ho Chi Minh when he came to Versailles to ask for help getting the French out of Indochina, yeah. Self-determination was only good enough for "some" people.

I'd give anything for them to give Paul McGann more screentime. Timey Wimey that shit up, guys.

Yep, it's still kicking.

Two weeks? It's less than THAT. Which was just as silly as the idea of Thor becoming a paragon of integrity and virtue in a few days after a thousand years of living. But the movies….

Yeah, that surprised me that they completely ignored that fact.

Honestly, for me, nothing makes sense except motion controls. One joycon in each hand, and you're golden.

In plenty of my classes for my MLIS, there was a lot of discussion about how "smart" Millennials and younger kids are about the internet, and it was all I could do not to roll my eyes and wade in. "Smart" my ass; they've grown up with it, and they consequently don't understand the inherent dangers, nor how it actually

Well, it's fun when you have boobs AND you're a historysplainer, which means you're listened to even less because men want to tell you you're wrong and don't know what you're talking about despite that piece of paper.

If they're Germans in a war, everyone assumes they're going to act like, well, Nazis. That's just given. I did like that at the end, all of the German soldiers pulling off their gas masks were practically little babies, which was pretty true; a lot of very, very young men were fighting that war.

Pull out the insoles and put in arch supports. A lady at one of the shoe stores here told me that companies tend to put shitty insoles in higher end shoes because they assume you'll be smart enough to put in a better one that fits you personally. Ever since then, I've done that, and it's been a much better

You noticed, too? This season has been fvcking bipolar, and "it's Wisconsin, it'll change" doesn't quite cut it anymore.