
I don't know, the fact that frozen strawberry lemonade drink turns into a grey sludge if you let it sit for a day was more disconcerting to me.

THAT was the name I forgot, damn it.

Kitty Pryde, The Thing, Magneto….

If he regenerates into Paul McGann and we get some TV adventures of the Eighth Doctor while BBC tries to find a new Thirteen, I'd be happy as fuck. Eight needs some love.


Do they finally have season 7? That's all I need.

My understanding is they're not making any more until they've basically made enough Switches for the desperate masses.

You are my best friend for bringing this up before I could.

They're not swastikas. Unless you tilt them slightly to the right.

Mario Odyssey isn't out until near the end of the year. I wouldn't say it's "too far off."

Not to mention nearly being set on fire in a previous scene.

He was an Egyptian who was Spanish by the time of the movie. Or at least, that was his last identity before he met Connor. The guy was centuries old, he got bored.

Giving them food just crushes their souls, remember. Because Paul Ryan basks in the tears of the dying and the poor and has no actual understanding of how the world works.

….well, shit. Now you've put a name to the same symptom my dad has. He just had to have his hand sliced again because of this. And he's pretty much full-blooded Scandinavian.

He did actually ask her if she was Jean reborn, and she literally punched him. It was pretty glorious.

That was the most major mistake, definitely. Keeping his past all shadowy and ridiculous and mostly unverifiable except by hearsay? That at least had some elements of fun to it, because why the fuck not have him be a samurai? (At the time, it was even sort of topical, seeing as Japan was The Cool Thing then.) When

Uncut would be even better.

I honestly don't even remember that other episode at all. Huh. I just remember them pulling the finale.

I know it's been… Well, since the season aired, but when the shit was that?

I was so thoroughly underwhelmed, my ass was twitching to go about twenty minutes in. And don't even get me going on the whole "a jeep left in the tropics for twenty years is easily fixed AND still has usable gasoline" bit.