
...You are genuinely insane.

Seriously. The butthurt is absurd.

I wouldn’t wanna work at Blizzard, most of all on Overwatch. Probably can’t take a piss without someone getting offended about it.

Just another one of the things people say who have never used Android....

WEEI is still keeping this thing going, even when every decent person is eager to move on. Are they aware that they are frequently cited as “Exhibit A” when discussing racism in Boston?

Is he implying that if you want to save money to buy a house, you should look at how you spend your money and cut back on luxuries? Because that’s just ludicrous.

That’s all fine and dandy but I won’t start using Lyft until they make their app not look like it was designed by 5 year olds. The Uber app is far superior and reigns supreme over any of their downsides.

If Waymo prevails in that effort, it could be the coup de grâce for Uber.

Thanks, Pop!

Jesus Christ. Millennials can’t even get prostitution right.

It’s kind of depressing to me that we live in a world where there’s legit economic reasons why this kind of thing may be necessary. I mean, I have no problem with them doing it, especially if they enjoy doing it. To me I shows how the traditional labor market is vanishing and being replaced with something less secure

I saw this with all the sincerity in the world and absolutely, 100% zero snark or ill-will directed toward anyone: At that point, just hire a prostitute. Most of them would love to play videogames with you!

If anyone is wasting money paying others to play with them, that is just plain sad and pathetic.

The oil was contained on site by a plastic liner and containment walls and quickly cleaned up

They moved it to be the least risk route. The tribe can like or not like that statement. It crosses the Missouri upstream of the town of Williston (non-native). Williston is upstream of lake Sakakawea which is upstream of both Bismarck and Standing Rock.

I’m commenting only to put 84 gallons into perspective.

Cmon... it was the pump station not the pipeline and its 100 miles from their water... the stations are built to contain fuckups like this... especially just 2 barrels worth. The pipeline itself has yet to leak. Stop fear mongering.

The safest way to move oil is through a pipeline, this has been proven time and time again.

The oil is going to move whether you want it to or not, why not opt for the safest means possible?

Aaron Hernandez, an innocent man, died in prison. Yet, Tom Brady (clearly guilty of evidence tampering) walks free. That’s America for you.

Impaired judgement and emotional immaturity (hallmarks of downs syndrome) and super powers sound awful together. the difference between heroes and villains is choice and responsibility, not ability. hence the hulk is a villain a lot, because his ability is unparalelled but his judgement is laughable. In real life