
They are called neckbeards, regardless of gender or age.

Genuine question: what makes you watch anyone in the IRL section? I can understand watching a stream of a blind playthrough of a loved game, speedrun or whatever. What is the point of watching some dipshit walk around and buy coffee? What exactly do you get out of it?
I don’t want to be the old man yelling at a cloud

Remember when Gizmodo was separated from political propaganda?

Really interesting story, Cecilia.

So he’s excluding the hearing-abled from his little club? He’s hearingphobic.

Ah, found the embarrassingly homer Sox fan.

Ah, so when Sale  throws a shutout he’s a great pitcher but when someone does it against him they have nothing to do with it.

Well she said she needed that money to buy games for research.

I donated as well

I tried to support Anita and this project but soon realized it was a fraud. Found out she was generating her own hateful comments to create sympathy for herself and increase her funding support. It worked.

Took her 5 years and $160,000 (not including any donations received after Kickstarter) to deliver what amounts to 16 critiques of Lets Play footage of video games on YouTube.

“Educate him” like a reverse mansplain??

men aren’t allowed to have an opinion on this? i have no idea, but if that’s the point, i vehemently disagree.

That’s a bit of a stark generalization of Fire Emblem that is also not entirely wrong.

Do I think the employee went overboard in his repsonse? Yea.

So RTR is really just selling you a hideous body kit and a pending “community.”

Still shilling for Lyft eh?

“Socialism” had nothing to do with it.

But Bernie Sanders will save us all!

I’ll say it: Tom Brady has a brand to protect and it was easy to hide behind his mother. He isn’t fooling anyone; man is savvy and if anything his wife told him to sit this one out.