
solution: don’t donate to anyone.

The amount of people saying “people are going to be offended by this” but aren’t actually offended themselves is always way higher than the amount of people actually offended. I don’t know why people want to beat everyone to the punch to talk about others being offended - especially when it stopped happening here a

read Miller’s post before you jump in with comments about the Red Sox rotation, please

There is no way the flight crew let’s a dude rack out couch style during taxi and takeoff. This couple sounds totally full of it to me. If they went back to their seats peacefully no way they get removed. They are lying their asses off in my opinion.

None of this makes any sense which suggests the couple is glossing over info. I know that given their recent fuck-up it’s tempting to throw united under the bus, but there is insufficient detail here.

It makes a difference because the guy sitting in 21A, who paid a bunch of money to be upgraded, will feel ripped off if they just let random people sit next to him. Also, United tries not to fill the economy plus middle seats unless the plane is full, and economy plus purchasers know that, so they would be taking away


Your putting WAY to much emphasis on the gender. Every shop does something like this to the new guy.

Trying to find the season where Babe hit .240 and struck out in more than a third of his at-bats.

Very simple fact. Had Kevin Ward Jr. not exited his race car and walked down the racing surface, he would still be alive. Everything else in this case is irrelevant. If I pull my car over on the shoulder and get out, stepping in front of a semi, is it my fault or the semi driver’s fault?

Yeah... There is something unstated in this that despite her size she is in amazing shape that would probably put 99% of people to shame. If her training routine is anything like other professional throwers (which I assume it is) she is probably training 3+ hours a day which is a lot more than even “active” people who

Creators’ lack of physical presence works against them in ways that teachers and coal miners never have to face.

Unpopular opinion- I’m kind of getting tired of youtubers complaining about how they’re getting fucked over. And also the current trend of them all going over to Patreon which is basically for lack of better terms, asking people to fund their lives and dreams and careers like they’re your friend from high school on

isn’t dressup generally a kids enterprise to begin with tho?

Yeah, watch out for this guy. Every one of his products should be sold with a golfball sized grain of salt. I followed him for a bit, and while I do thank him for introducing me to some interesting ideas, and I actually DO believe in Butterproof Coffee (that’s what we call it), a lot of it is utter hokum. His

snake oil much?

Counterpoint: physically resisting being taken off a plane is Dumb, with a capital D.
