
amazon reviews on this are bad

amazon reviews on this are bad

that dude is way to old to have gauges

that dude is way to old to have gauges

How dare they assume her gender

Whats with the red ball?

I can never imagine a point in my life where if someone said gg ez after beating me in a video game would actually matter to me.

so pretty much the same thing everyone feels?

Jesus that commercial was really good

Spore 2.0

How dare you! You cant let people make their own stupid decisions

The same reason hes gay in these as well

When will they have furry and kin options too?

that looks like burned skin, they use candles to create that suction when you dont have a tool like the above pictures. Def not what phelps is using

You dont see the difference between someone sitting in their basement playing minecraft and someone throwing a 105mph fastball at yankee stadium?

Exactly why watch people hit home runs at Yankee stadium when you can just walk right into the stadium anytime you want with friends and play a game. I cant tell you how many pick up games of bball I’ve played at Madison square garden and flag football at giant stadium.

Its stuff like this that keeps the native american population down. We need a red live matter to focus in on these important issues.

or just don’t

What would be easier to hit, me throwing a ball 100 feet away at 90mph or me throwing the ball 80 feet away at 85mph?

pitches with longer strides are closer to home plate so the ball gets their faster than a pitcher throwing the same mph with a shorter stride.

sticks and stones.....

Maybe I dont play enough online games but what do you mean by toxic? People saying mean things? like really thats it?