
I’m restraining myself from Russian to judgment and Putin my two cents in about the source of the mischievous Kremlin in the works....

I was just thinking as I read the article that, as a child of the 80's, the soundtrack better be ON POINT!

Dinky Earnshaw, the disappointment of Kotaku.

So many typos.

“How many students said I exposed myself?” said Sharkey.

Today In The Comments I Learned: that wanting the EPA to do its job is a “leftist” political position.

It was obvious that io9 is but a pale shadow of its former self when Kevin J. Anderson novels started showing up in these lists.

Facinating story but I can get over the fact Livshits doesn’t go and legally change his name. He must have had a hell of a time in High School.

In World of Warships, Clever camouflage and aftermarket paint will not long deter my historically inaccurate High Explosive deluge barrage, unless you turn left real sudden like. That always throws me off.

While no country on Earth is anywhere near perfect, South Korea has gone from a 3rd world military dictatorship on par with modern North Korea, to being a socially progressive high tech 1st world democracy in less than 30 years, to the point where they’ve actually overtaken all other Asian nations in terms of social

Best way to deal with that is to re-watch the Rick and Morty episode about it ;)

That was actually one of my favorite movies as a kid. Rented it from the library repeatedly.

That is based on the assumption that you can’t see that is is clearly not loaded.

To you maybe, but I could care less. Been pre-ordering games for years and I will not stop now.

Nope. I will not. I like the option of making payments at my local game shop over time, and the extra goodies that should be in that game anyway.