
:gold jerry, gold!:

You and 250k have thing, bruv?

Going by the number (& demand) for the 4th gen A80 on the road, I’d say quite a few.

I did ask if reliability was a concern—it’s not unfair to wonder if a BMW engine will be as bulletproof as a Toyota engine—but was told that it’s covered by the usual Toyota warranty, so that should be enough..

:Porque no los dos?:

So you also think it’s okay to steal, uhm, help yourself to some free fruit at the market cos it’s beginning to turn brown?

The sad irony being most 18 year olds have zero education about the Real World of America.

That’s by one of my fav. photographers - nadav kander.

You obviously don’t understand how a business works.

Hey now, no need for that kind of rational answers here. 

You dont know jack about _____ but every time I read about _____ it’s.......”

Who you talking to cos those points *dont* apply to anything that i shared?

Seatbelt fire jokes aside, this may be a real issue:

Easy peasy, tell him it’s moved up from no.8 to the 2nd spot on the Wonders of the World.... right behind the Great WALL of China 👀

Could it be that you’re no longer in your 30s? :)

A good deal is what one perceives to a good deal. I negotiated someone down a couple of bucks on something that was worthless... i walked away like I was genghis khan.

Interesting... this is Rochelle Williams of Hilton Head who is crushing on A. Hitler’s power?

Don’t let any overtly gross generalization of all saudis and muslims get in the way of making your simpleton point.

Listen you, we all need a purpose in life to feel fulfilled. And sometimes it’s harassing the parents of kids who were shot to death, who are you to judge?

Why no obamas?