
How can she be if she’s not to *your* deep level of understanding.

I was curious cos reliability is paramount for me and i’ve been dreaming of owning the first gen nsx for a while.

Would a pre-2004 NSX entice you in the same way?

There are guys lining up here to marry you, Big Russ. And all you had to be was an honest car salesman.

And your spirit lived on to tell that story in the comment sections of the world wide web.

Does Putin look much younger or older here? I can’t tell.

I can’t catch pizza dough coming down, who am I to fault this guy climbing a fence to nab a high fly ball.

Shame cos the c-pillar is the most attractive in all the land.

Or as soon as those sharks smelled the potential of big money, they would’ve lowballed for 50% of the cut.

While parked and talking to someone, I punched my windshield and it cracked in one hit. I’m not a big tough MMA guy and wouldn’t advise doing that but i dont recall it hurting for more then a day. YMMV 

How would someone know whether which bike feels right if they can’t test ride it?

Bummer, won’t play on chrome w/o any ad blocks or restrictions.


They could’ve had this design under a different name. The point is why sully the good name of the Pathfinder ™


“To have and to hold... to love and cunnilingus” - it’s in the damn vows!

Somebody please get Ja Rule, we need to make sense of all this!

One department is all eyes and the other too blind.

Why jail when they can be laying down concrete to pay for the damages from unnecessary mental distress to this guy.

You must’ve noticed that he was (dangerously) leaning against the wall with his legs out (disrespectfully) and being (too) chill and unintimidated by 3 large men of the law w/ guns.