
It’s almost like y’all don’t understand the concept of acting.

Wouldn’t surprise me if she was a nihilist — not that there’s anything wrong with it. Her attitude in the diet coke commercial was off-putting.

Wait till the day you find out that soap is also not good for you.

Close: “Fuerdai is a chinese term that refers to the children of the nouveau riche in china”

Amazon def. could do that but (thankfully) it would get slapped with an antitrust lawsuit way prior.

How you know... were you on this flight?

I feel like i accidentally stepped on my chemistry teacher’s toes.

On the Irony Scale, where would it be if one of these execs CO2 poisoned himself in his garage.

Right on bro!

You had my star until your dad not being able to use cruise control

An inconvenient truth....

You said it. Can...”makes himself *look* guilty”

Or maybe some work(ed) harder then others*. But don’t let that fact get in the way of you being you.

Yup, easy to dream of flushing the king turd and not only his minions.

That’s not even a fifth of how the 5th works.

You’re confusing a politician with someone who is good at legislating/governing. He could be great at the former and that’s it.

It’s hard to imagine how it can be worse but then this prez & his team always find a way. Kudos.

Recommending restaurants in downtown or gentrified parts of town is so 2017.

It all makes sense when seen through 2 prisms: