
Hmmm, wonder where people get the idea that blacks are easily persuaded into violence 🤔

What is travel insurance for!

High time Subaru makes ONE decent looking car that doesnt look like a 3rd grader’s playdough project.

Concept of ‘straw that broke the camel’s back”. Though raising the buying age to 21 + a few shops not selling an AR is hardly breaking anything.

That’s usually how humans operate. 

Well i’ll be damned. Maybe it’s better to not know the truth.

“please come see me ASAP”

Nah, nurture > nature all day.

You saved me right as i was about to earnestly go down the wiki pages.

Was there any difference between Ryu and Ken? I always picked Ken cos he was bulkier so must be stronger.

Definitely see them before you regret it later in life.

Both of your takes are good takes.

When you’ve adjusted to being a snarkly queen day in/day out for a living, it just comes out like grampa’s silent whiffy farts. But grandma’s never been real so he has no clue how insufferable he is.

You had me at reliable.

I’ve never even sat in this dream car of mine, let alone drive one :(

Imagine following these with the people we claim to love IRL.

That’s my impression as well.

In the NYT she clearly blames tarantino, then backtracks and places blame on others and clearing him? Why cant she get her story straight?

Pay attention Connie. You’re missing important life lessons here.

I cant imagine youre older then 20 but that’s a damn juvenile comment. If money is the root of your happiness, then chances are you’ll be miserable when you have more.