
Did he actually rape any kid or only fantasized/talked/planned on doing it? The article says he never acted on it.

Whats this jezebel reader doing there?

Easy tiger. It sounded like it was done differently (i.e. better) on the android and i was just curious.

So instead of empathizing, you prefer to chuck it right back at others?

How would it work on an android?

Low sitting dash is where it’s at.


Definitely see an Accord coupe here.

Looks quite GM-y but still dig the quirky saab thing.

Dont hate the playa...

I like how y’all are claiming someone else’s photos. And I bet he’s getting diddly-squat for using his photos.

She’s hideous!

Worry not. He cometh to apply salt on thy...wound-th.

Honestly, how much will a poor guy like me spend in maintenance if i paid for this beauty in cash?

You alright bro? you look a little...... stiff. hehe

...the Model S will soon become mainstream enough that it won’t be an issue for long.

The fuck you talking about a fucking dodge (even if it was a fucking viper) when there’s a fucking NSX in the title & the fucking foreground??

C-pillar is what made the GS stand out. Now it’s so damn blaaaaand.

Love it.