Thanks for clarifying but i was kidding. I just wanted to bathe in your awesome first post.
Not my boy J.Beibs. He was a diamond in the rough when one talented talent scout hand picked him.
Take all of my stars.
True story: I’m a guy who likes this scruffy look on myself and even other men. Not so much on him.
Pretty sure he just transcribed it into a gif format, nothing more.
Without looking at your answer, i’ll jot down “a bucket full” as my answer.
I don’t know what arguing about cos I don’t find you’re saying disagreeable. Let’s kiss and make up :)
Well sure it’s easy to argue your point by picking one-line demands a few men may make. Isn’t the reality that every (pick any group of humans) will have crazy ones w/ crazy expectations from others. And they will always stand out as an unfair representations of the whole.
Of course the women here will see those men as know-nothing, knuckle-draggers and many men would find women commenting here as overly-sensitive, know-nothing men haters.
First thing first, i wish i had a gf like you.
The good news is it sounds just as good as any pop song out now.