
It’s a minivan! It’s a wagon! It’s a SUV! It’s a cross-over!

Is this really that surprising though? The race that went around the world conquering other lands and making every attempt at wiping them off is trying to rewrite the history?

Thanks for clarifying but i was kidding. I just wanted to bathe in your awesome first post.

Not my boy J.Beibs. He was a diamond in the rough when one talented talent scout hand picked him.

Take all of my stars.

i agree with whatever she has to say.

True story: I’m a guy who likes this scruffy look on myself and even other men. Not so much on him.

Pretty sure he just transcribed it into a gif format, nothing more.

Without looking at your answer, i’ll jot down “a bucket full” as my answer.

I just met you but i already love you.

I don’t know what arguing about cos I don’t find you’re saying disagreeable. Let’s kiss and make up :)

Well sure it’s easy to argue your point by picking one-line demands a few men may make. Isn’t the reality that every (pick any group of humans) will have crazy ones w/ crazy expectations from others. And they will always stand out as an unfair representations of the whole.

Of course the women here will see those men as know-nothing, knuckle-draggers and many men would find women commenting here as overly-sensitive, know-nothing men haters.

First thing first, i wish i had a gf like you.

This needs an explanation.

The good news is it sounds just as good as any pop song out now.

So this isn't an aston martin... at all?

Just what the Humanoids Ver.21 need — screens and more screens everywhere and at all times!!

Cut the shit, chevrolet.

She’s got MAN HANDS!!!