And just enough black in the type to stand out but not enough to fully validate it from the whole white.
And just enough black in the type to stand out but not enough to fully validate it from the whole white.
Just like basic personal finance, it's not taught in schools. It's one of those things you maybe pick up along the way if it matters.
It’s cute to idolize her as a hopeless victim of outer forces but she was no saint & her own enemy. She was not only violent to her husband but also strangers and fans.
Da fuk u talkin bout.
You know jokes aren’t meant to be taken seriously? Or worse, as scripture like some people may...
My comment was mostly in jest HOWEVER, your post with the definitions and paragraphs and whatnot...tone deaf or how irony that you were being pedantic as well!
And don’t him started on calling them Native Americans either. Columbus thought Indians, so Indians they will be forever unless you want the white man’s disease on your plate!
You suck for sharing a sucky ass video of a sucky remix.
People gathered in droves to stare at a guy press play on mostly pre-recorded music?
I might be in the same boat where I actually wake up much fresher when I’ve had a few buzz worthy drinks the night before.
Right? Who exactly is going to and leaving this country?
I suppose this was a car made in the 90s or a chinese knockoff? If not, what car still does that?
Really? She was about as mediocre as high school improv.
Uhh, that didnt go where i was expecting. Seemed like he had a legitimate gripe w/ poor engineering.
This just proves that humans may have over-evolved intellectually but without shame or self-reflection, its all for naught.
Had she been asked that, you wouldve been the first to cry about it here.
Bullshit she isn't buying it.
You’re trying to image how big it is when erect?