Adele Quested

Holy shit. That statement is careening towards Embarrassing Uncle territory. I kept expecting her to say that come on, EVERY race has been slaves at SOME point in history.

Funny, watching all these jackholes jump to the defense of a poor, shy, shrinking violet like Kevin Smith, whereas if someone had done the same on behalf of the blogger, they (Smith's misogynistic brofriends) would accuse them of White Knighting and trying to get laid.

Exactly. People might be shitty to me occasionally if they're in a bad mood, but I draw the line at how they treat my other friends. That shit is not okay.

These two things do not seem to be related.

As a mom, I'm convinced that people who think kids can't handle difficult or dark emotions have never actually interacted with real kids. Real kids say weird dark crap all the time. Crap like "you're old and will die soon mommy, then I'll be alone" or "I wonder what people would look like without skin." There's a

I think it really relates to people still feeling like women are supposed to be attractive. Prettiness is considered an important part of femininity. Combine that with the idea that women can find companionship and especially sex, more easily than men can because a pretty woman will always have men going for her - and

Wonder what this would have been like if it had been cast with a woman? Seen as whimsical or pathetic? Because it seems that women can't be quirky in their loneliness, only in their redemption of men.

Well.... obvi. I was just posting funny about something real, but I'll go ahead and deflate the humor and spontaneity entirely and say, well I opened this post thinking I might see a diversity of women modeling stuff and portrayed as sexy, but it's just this one couple and the lady is very heavy. It also stings to be

Omg so much this! I've made the argument before that MRAs are backwards not because there are no gendered issues that men face, but because feminism is not the cause of those issues as they insist. It's patriarchy! Guys, you're falling victim to the same system you are fighting tooth and nail to uphold. Get an actual

Man logic is superior logic.

Seriously, MRAs: fuck you. You're a waste of oxygen and space. There are legitimate issues that gender roles create for men: our culture overlooks sexual assault and domestic violence that happens to men and encourages them not to report, it acts like women are the real parents and dads are incidental (e. g., there

It's pretty telling that the only way they can get all those false rape accusations they whine about is to manufacture them themselves.

If you have yet to have an experience with the complete disconnect between what men say they want and what they actually want and/or what they actually communicate and what they mean (clarified once queried; I have learned not to guess), I would like an invitation to come live in your world. B/c I'm sure it be more

So, book spoilers and all.

I totally read the Gale/Peeta conflict as Katniss being forced choose not between her masculine and feminine sides, but between her inner warrior and her inner pacifist.

I think you missed one..... because that's how we were raised. I freely admit to being an absolute misogynistic, racist prick for an embarrassing chunk of my life. But that, all of that, came from a place of ignorance and not hate. I fully understand that it felt the same to those around me. It's not an excuse,

Quite a few women have internalized misogyny of their own. It's been shoved into our heads that we're automatically "less" than men, and many of us believe it. Some of us accept crappy behavior and misogyny from men and we accept it from each other as well.

I'm guessing he's interpreting "patriarchy hurts men too" as "men deserve to die raaaarrrgh!" Because what I *have* seen pointed out to men raging about women not being drafted/in combat is that it's not WOMEN who had control of the armed forces and the was men who held the power in those situations

Sorry, but I cheered at this article. This girl is in a situation where it is clear she is being emotionally violated, and based on the tone of the article it would not be surprising to me if it went beyond that. She is not being protected or advocated for by her mother, and it seems like she is the oldest sibling.

You should laugh along because it's a minor victory for a 12 year old girl who is clearly trapped with an abuser. This guy isn't merely gross. He is presumably the mother's boyfriend, but the daughter feels she can't rely on her mother to help her. He's 22 years old and wanders around naked in the presence of