Adele Quested

So what exactly are you disbelieving here? That Weinstein assaulted Jolie? That Jolie told her partner about it? I find both exceedlingy plausible and that Pitt continued to work with Weinstein anyway is an observable fact.

Gawain is one of my favs, one of the more relatable knights I think, although I associate him more with his subplot in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Percival. I’m thrilled they’re finally going for the less-Arthur-centric parts of the myths!

This looks incredibly on point so far, I just hope they won’t skimp on the

I guess one might feel fairly unconcerned with conventional hierarchies/notions of status as typically presented in popular media and still have goals and dreams one might fail to accomplish, generating a sufficient amount of drama and conflict to sustain a narrative.

That said, my main drama as a teenager probably

Bianca has always been on of my favourite Disney role models. Competent, courageous and compassionate. It also helps that she’s a mouse so I felt somewhat less discouraged by not measuring up in the looks department.

Probably my favourite Disney movie after Bedknobs and Broomsticks, which has the other one of my

it’s so weird, because I can totally see it, but still, my first association with Rosamunde Pike will always be gentle, angelic, too-nice-for-this-world Jane Bennet in Pride and Prejudice.

Nah, bullying effectively just isn’t that difficult. Bullies simply don’t need to be masterminds to pull it off. All a bully ever needs is a an environment where people won’t defend whoever the bully chose as a victim - not even necessarily because the victim is unpopular, maybe just because people are conflict averse

What I will never understand is how you can witness that sort of black hole of neediness and narcissistic rage, trying to swallow everything in its orbit, and decide it’s all worth it for the entertainment value. Like, I can see being fascinated for a spell, in a train-wreck sort of way, but there have to be

I also like to think I wouldn’t fall for that sort of thing, but I wouldn’t bet my life on it. Really would depend on who specifically tries to get to me, and certainly on the timing. Many of us have moments of weakness, of vulnerability, when our bullshit detectors malfunction, maybe due to general system overload,

No, because sex workers don’t sell their integrity. Since the problem is the opportunism, I would argue for “mercenary”.

No argument here, that is a troubling thought. But that connection is just as dangerous with Trump officially in power, so on that front, it’s a wash. But absolutely, getting him out, doesn’t immediately solve all problems.

Sure, but I still think there are some bright sides:

1) To the opportunists it’s going to be less attractive now that he’s got the stink of the loser.

2) At least some of the shit will now also be directed at establishment Republicans he will feel deserted by (assuming that they do actuallyy desert him eventually -

Sure, let’s be humble winners. Let’s acknowledge that this victory is no vindication of centrism, that we owe this outcome to a lot of people who voted for Biden because they hate Trump, not because they wanted Biden, that Biden now has 4 years to actually earn their support, or we’ll have another Trump situation on

I think the guy’s role is mainly in providing emotional support after the death of Beth’s adoptive mother, and if it takes the form of chess advice, that’s just the most efficient medium for this particular character. But the chess advice is really more the means to another end, and making it superfluos on the

I’m always in favour of written, directed and produced by women, so no disagreement here. But I actually like that it’s not very mucht about the “difficulties of being a woman during the time shown”.

I’m mean, it’s not glossed over entirely - there are always more or less subtle reminders about the traps just waiting

Mature people can have plenty of drama without being fuck-ups in the teenage-way. They can have divided loyalities, they can have a crisis of faith. You need to have a sense of duty to get into a conflict of duty and inclination for instance.

Thank you! I did like the book a lot, but I tend to find it a lot less uplifting than many others who praise it. At the surface it seems to be about this, yes, genuinely decent guy, looking back at his modest life, characterized by duty and care for others and wringing the last drops of joy and beauty out of his

Went to the comments hoping to find someone else pointing it out.

Nah, that’s not how religion works. Obviously you can’t prove that Jesus rose from the dead, but at this point in time, you also can’t really prove that he didn’t. I mean I guess you could provide any sort of evidence to back up a Dan Brown style theory of events, but the Pope just has to declare it’s all fake, and

I read the plot synopsis of the novel on wikipedia and I can absolutely see what you mean. I guess for me the twist wouldn’t be a dealbreaker (I’ve liked other novels/movies with that twist well enough), if there are other selling points, but I can see why for other people it would be.

I really am a fool, I completely missed how the phone records destroy the accomplice theory; I really must have been too distracted by the drama of it all to think about the case for two seconds. Of course she wouldn’t have had to be distracted if she had been in on it, and it couldn’t have been just to give her