Adele Quested

Or another example: Anyone could potentially discover they’re actually asexual, and any sort of sexual activity is a compromise they’re no longer able to make. Why would that scenario be any less likely than a bisexual person suddenly discovering they’re entirely gay?

“That’s a scarier prospect than regular jealousy because the fate of your relationship may be completely out of your hands: those women Dan dated when he identified as bi were playing a rigged game, because no matter how hard they tried, they weren’t going to make him happy.”

Kid-me took piano lessons for years without showing a shred of talent. If left to my own devices I would have quit pretty fast, I guess. But mom argued that the piano had been a significant investment, which hadn’t paid off yet, and that some sort of musical activity was required for being a well-rounded person and

I’m adding my voice to that complaint. I just generally hate video for anything that isn’t some sort of tutorial, because listening is just plain less convenient to me than reading. With reading I can determine my own speed of processing, can skip and skim, or reread a more complex passage if necessary. Listening just

Yeah, that’s where my decluttering ambitions are most likely to falter too. It’s easier with cards when there’s not much text beyond the standard Happy Birthday, or Merry Christmas, but as soon as there’s a more personalized message ... that said, my friends and family now mostly confine themselves to facebook and

Of course! That’s why I money makes decluttering easier, not that lack of money makes it impossible.

Honestly, at this point I suspect it’s as much of a status game as anything else. Decluttering is sure easier if you are rich enough to do it secure in the knowledge that you could easily replace anything you’re now so joyfully discarding based on nothing but sentiment and impulse.

I think forgiveness doesn’t have to be, maybe mostly even shouldn’t be unconditional. I also think it’s fair to require public penance as a condition for forgiveness. It might have been a polite gesture to explain that deal to Baio first, before going public, but considering Baio’s track record on these issues (eg.

LW, you didn’t overreact - he’s obnoxious and manipulative and clearly not actually interested in you as a person, which would be reason enough to ditch him. You also didn’t underreact - confrontation is a waste of energy the moment you decide that you’re not gonna see him again anyway, which was obviously the right

Oh sure, I agree! Again, I was thinking less “personal quest for redemption” and more “assessment center”. You don’t necessarily give a job to someone just because you’ve got nothing to hold against them. The test I’m envisioniong wouldn’t be about whether Michael deserves eternal punishment, but whether he’s

Well, he hasn’t yet come up with something better. It’s one thing to realize that there’s something off with the old way of doing things, and another to come up with improvements, and yet another to actually implement, and yet another to keep at it when unforseen complications arise, etc. Identifying the flaw can

The Judge claims to approve of the existence of the bad place. And yes, as a demon Michael has only been following the rules.

On earth, many people would say that ethics demand more of you than blindly accepting the status quo and following all the rules. Many commenters have pointed out, how unfit the celestials

My two cents: it’s earth. Of course it fucks with the time line, but so what? Time is meaningless once we’re talking eternity. Why would we assume time keeps passing at all? Okay, actually the celestials keep referring to time passing: 30 years since the last case, thirty years since Trent switched departments, 30

She could be one of the Judge’s agents, and cause a third act hitch by reporting that she saw Michael interfere in an illicit manner.

... unless Michael is tested too, and his test requires him to invent purgatory to pass?

If team cockroach passes their test, they prove that the current system is inadequate and has to be re-designed. I imagine Michael and No-Longer-A-Mere-Janet would spearhead those efforts.

She sought to make herself better, because she was afraid that the others would otherwise realize that she didn’d belong and send her to hell. Without the threat of hell hanging over her head, episode 1 Eleanor would not have given two fucks about self-improvement.

In later episodes however she repeatedly acts

Before we see Jason fail his test, we see him actually pause his game and mediate, and finally correctly identify the nature of the trap laid out for him. He is this short from figuring out that the only winning move is not to play. It’s too late, and not very impressive, considering that he could just have listened

My parents are fairly conservative, catholic, church every Sunday. I generally had the definition of a sheltered childhood. But I just cannot remember them ever explicitly banning any media. They were pretty strict about bedtimes on school nights until I was about 12, but as long as all the homework was done, and