Adele Quested

That’s your depression robbing you of a sense of proportion. Of course showing all your internal turmoils too early will scare people off. But if you manage to pick the right moment, it tends to deepen the relationship. People usually feel honored to be chosen for intimate confidences. It makes them feel trusted and

Youth and conventional attractiviness do come with certain privileges that might explain why she comes across as somewhat myopic in that interview. How’s that a controversial observation?

Bookmarked that link for the next time anyone tries some tone-policing in a debate about feminism.

If I said something like “You don’t have to respond”, I’d probably mean “If you can’t return the sentiment, we can pretend that I never said that and stay friends anyway. I promise I won’t be awkward about it.” And my reason for saying that would probably be that that’s just what_ I_would want the other party to say

Hollywood pretty, good at acting - won’t be too hard to find that. International superstar? Probably not, because you would have to be given a chance to prove yourself first. Then again, no one is _born_ an international superstar. Always, someone else first has to take a chance on an unproven talent. For some reason

I think the fact that he stands by as his kids are sent to jail is enough evidence that he’s worthless as a father.

Guess, Tante Jolesch was right after all. “Alles was beim Mann schöner is wie a Aff is a Luxus” (Anything that’s prettier in a guy than in an ape is luxury).

I was raised catholic. We went to church every Sunday, Dad in the church choir, mom in the parish council, brother an altar boy. I was one of six people in my class who didn’t opt out of religious instruction the moment you were old enough to not need your parents’ signature any longer to do that.

That’s somewhat unfortunate on its own, but even so, how would that translate to acting on every random impulse no matter how inappropriate? You’re supposed to take the initiative on your sexual impulses, but certainly not on _all_ of them. Taking the iniative isn’t bad - someone has to, after all - but there’s a time

Ah, didn’t click on the read more - sorry for the pile-on.

Generally I agree that it’s the application in context, not necessarily the originality that makes the burn, but this one in particular is really not sufficiently fresh any more to produce much of an effect. Nothing kills a joke faster than having heard it before. In this scenario, it’s also so transparently

If that's how the phrase's supposed to be read, joke's on them. My idea of a hopeless romantic is Byron, which is the farthest you could possibly be from a "good partner".

Because they can't grasp the difference between gallow's humour and gaoler's humour. It's only gallow's humour when the noose is around your own neck.

The way all my virtues and all my vices are inextricably intertwined is what keeps me from falling apart.

Of course. Still pathetic. Claiming sarcasm/performance art is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

It's tricky, because compliments so often come with all kinds of ulterior motives (not always necessarily sexual) that most people learn to never take them entirely at face value. I'm actually fairly easy to flatter, but I always also remind myself not to take it too personally and read to much into it.

The real test of every relationship is when you've run out of new things to disclose and things start to get repetitive.

I don't see much of a contradiction - they realize that it's not entirely kosher and would earn them at least a slap on the wrist. They apparently tell themselves it's not as bad as rape though. You know, just a cavalier's delict. Being a bit naughty. People's capacity for self-serving delusions is truly a marvel.

The scary thing is that so many men really believe this. Which explains a lot, sadly.

Yeah, that's kinda the big difference between grown-ups and kids - grown-ups are ignored at your own peril. Asymmetrical power relations should be big factor here and it's really surprising to me that anyone would say anything on this topic at all without accounting for those.