
All of those things can be done through style-sheets or scripts. []

Ugh, the profile page is not populated through ajax(unlike almost everything else). I guess I'll have to go the other route.

There are a couple of viable ways to get comment notifications to work. (on the site)

The change to that script of yours should only involve changing the base URL from to

Viva la Greasemonkey!

@GiveMeBreak: Both Hawaii and Maui are excellent choices, especially with children.

@GiveMeBreak: What island? What kind of family, ages, etc?

@CamJN: Pointing different subdomains to different computers is a DNS issue. It can be a non-trivial issue which explains the difficulty in finding answers to your particular problem. It requires a little bit of background knowledge. It's not that the background knowledge is particularly difficult to understand, it's

Thanks for the shout out! It's great knowing that some nugget of information that I'd shared was helpful.

@kcarcomputer: I suppose I should log in and refresh before posting. Great minds think alike.

Sure, plastic bags work well also. All of my toiletries go in a gallon ziploc.

@pkl007: SMS Popup does exactly what you describe.

@DJRyan920: Exactly! Typical ground loop problem. (Is there such a thing?!?)

@3 Laws of Robotics: A quick perusal of the specs for both machines indicates that both computers have both SATA and IDE interfaces. You should have little trouble switching the hard drives from a connectivity standpoint. You might have to do some fiddling in the BIOS to have everything recognized properly.

@clvezlys: Sounds like a ground problem. Strangely enough, I've got a completely different laptop with the exact same symptoms. Apparently, it's a fairly common design defect.

Gotta love security theater. Just this weekend, I inadvertently made it through airport security using a boarding pass that wasn't my own.