@TheFu: Gatorade. Trying to fight a hangover.
@TheFu: Gatorade. Trying to fight a hangover.
@KTope: Whoops. :O Good catch. Thanks.
@witeowl: Demand low.
@vlatro: "Don't buy materials for this project, that money would be better applied to a real digital projector."
@witeowl: You've got a lot of possibilities.
In Firefox, you could use ' and limit quick find to links only.
This is incredibly bad advice.
@_method: Unfortunately, I don't believe the pins on the casters are universal.
@_method: Even though I've recently replaced my office chair. You've got me curious. So, I've been doing a little more research. Personally, I go for reasonably priced high-backed, leather, executive chairs that almost border on a task chair, and I replace them every two years or so. If money were no object, I'd…
@_method: Why not use a chair protector so you're not constrained to a caster-less chair? And, more information about your typical usage would be helpful.
You people must think I'm crazy.
@fsav: You could set your homepage to the URLs separated by pipes and skip a step.
@farcedude: Nice.
@Prairie Moon:Tanks? Any septic? Fish? Air? Gas?
@y0urm0msname: Caller-ID.
@MPS: I'm tempted to say that a number of the window managers that add some advanced features might help with the problem, but not eliminate it entirely.
@Joseph Morganelli: < — Two guesses. First one doesn't count.