
@lamintak: If you're going to coast, at least run through the gears as though you were downshifting. It's good practice. Downshifting properly is a useful skill to have.

@PhpMyCoder: I got a completely loaded Studio 15 as a warranty replacement when Dell couldn't fix my previous laptop. I enjoy it, but then again, the price was right. :)

@DisposableInterloper: Very true. Although, there are a number of compact systems which do not support the higher resolutions. I was just trying to impart the notion that past a point, 24" and 1920x1200, there's only a marginal increase in utility.

This is easy.

@TheFu: Not my server. :-) j/k

@TheFu: I wouldn't worry too much about server load. It's just a simple ajax request. (It happens to get run anytime someone hits the homepage.)

@hatsix: Thank you for referring me to that. But, it uses Adobe Air which makes it undesirable to me.

@Phoshi: 'posix' and 'Linux' respectively.

@Phoshi: I don't own a mac either.

@Phoshi: Fine, be that way.

@soggy_cheerio: I might have to implement it as a gnome applet, so that one could have functional listings of multiple responses. 'So and so responded to your comment on such and such an article'. So that clicking on it would refer you to the article. If there's just one reply, sending you to it on a click on the

@Phoshi: I didn't feel like sending myself another message.

@Phoshi: growl should be easy enough to setup with growlnotify (CLI), or the growl python package(gntp) or (growlnotifier) .

@Phoshi: Gnome notifications.

@Phoshi: We should devote a hashtag to this discussion and have it mentioned somewhere. (I'm hoping to get some input as to what greasemonkey comment mods people might want also)