What the actual.....THIS WEBSITE is very much also responsible for shitting on her and you are referencing it like this isn’t Jezebel? Did you cut and paste this from someplace else?
What the actual.....THIS WEBSITE is very much also responsible for shitting on her and you are referencing it like this isn’t Jezebel? Did you cut and paste this from someplace else?
I’m not going to begrudge any grieving family their perfectly understandable desire for vengeance after having their children ripped away from them by this absolute piece of shit. Nevertheless, I’m anti-death penalty. I think it’s barbaric, I think it can’t possibly be applied in a fair manner, and I think it can’t…
Kanye again doing an excellent job of showing the court and the world that those kids have one stable parent and it’s not him.
“cum doners” - worst. kebabs. ever.
So the basic timeline in this incident is:
Okay, here’s a reframe that might be helpful (or not!). Instead of thinking about what you can do to attract women as a nebulous concept, when you are interested in a woman, ask yourself why you are interested in knowing *her* better. What is it about her that you think would bring something to your life?
I dated a lot before I got married.
After never once getting involved with crypto in any way, you bet your ass I am being absolutely insufferable about all this.
Or that they are both shitty, broken people undeserving of being placed on a pedestal and being worshipped by random people on the internet.
Just to add a little for clarification, I firmly believe that ‘mutual abuse’, or at least ‘mutual toxicity’ in relationships is very much a thing and that they were both guilty. It is gross to see the misogyny directed her way but also interesting to see the hypocrisy of the ‘always believe the victim’ champions…
I am shocked at the number of women I know who are adamantly pro-Depp on this. I kept seeing one meme on Facebook that was like “Johnny was there for us, now we need to be there for him!” Ma’am, Johnny was never there for you, and if “being there for him” requires calling his ex a whore, maybe think about that for a…
It’s my general impression that both Depp and Heard are emotionally and physically abusive people who are broken inside. They’re probably terrible in relationships and downright explosive when combined.
Because their relationship-they both seem to acknowledge-was mutually abusive and manipulative, and, unlike him, she has no banked social currency/nostalgia.
I mean, his name’s not Fred Civilized y’know?
I remember reading an interview with him when The Rum Diaries was coming out, talking about how much he idolized Hunter S. Thompson as if that were anything but a massive red flag. Most people eventually grow out of the culture that glorifies overconsumption of booze and drugs; Depp clearly never did.
Congratulations, you have written the stupidest thing I’ve seen on the internet today. Quite the accomplishment.
This is all has such Tom Cruise shoppping for girlfriends vibes. Why is she talking so much about it? Why did they have their first date documented with an article and photo shoot? Oddly, I find none of it the least bit intriguing. It’s just so unhinged that I can’t help but look. Is that the design?
Pete seems like he would take much less emotional energy than Ye. I don’t blame Kim for having fun.
In a somewhat ironic note, the professor arrested for sending shooting threats to UCLA (and apparently trying to buy a gun a while back) sent out a manifesto saying “whites and Jews shall die.” https://www.jpost.com/international/article-695235 It also went after Asians and women because why not, but that’s less…
I think you’ve hit the nail right on the head, and the fact that Chappelle doesn’t think Hannah Gadsby isn’t funny makes it all the more clear that there isn’t really anything left for him to say as a relevant comic.