Soft and low the music moans

Ivanka is so long-winded. She could have just said learn to code.

Where is it? It better not be a blade grinder. Those things aren’t even really grinders. More like choppers. They make terrible coffee, only slightly better than pre-ground supermarket swill.

A new Capresso Infinity Conical Burr grinder can be had on Amazon for $77.99 shipped. Very good entry level burr grinder.

Maybe your bland aromaless coffee scared them off.

I may have missed it, but I don’t see a coffee grinder. A burr coffee grinder is an essential tool for civilized living. You can have a beautiful home, but it’s all for naught if you serve your guests pre-ground coffee.

Of course we’d all like to restrain renegade cops, but can we afford to alienate police unions ahead of the elections? Perhaps we should wait till November.

You may not like it, but police unions wield enormous political power at the city and state level. If Democrats alienate them, they will switch en masse to the Republicans.

If you check Mr. Maviglio’s bio at Wikipedia, you’ll see he’s a bit of a hero himself. He has a distinguished history of public service and Democratic Party activism. Undoubtedly he could have earned far more in the private sector than the pittance of a government salary.  Every American ought to want talented public

Is it possible to defend Mr. Maviglio here without being banned? All these one-sided comment sections are so dreary. A vibrant commentariat ought to welcome pragmatic moderate commenters who are willing to argue on behalf of Mr Maviglio, who is, after all, squarely within the mainstream of the Democratic Party.

This cancellation is good. It will give young people more time to think about how they can help Joe Biden win in November.

Brand new account, created today to accuse people of being TomatoFace. I don’t think Tomato has been on Kinja for months now — but if he is, he’s you.

AOC says she and Joe Biden don’t belong in the same party even though Joe was President Obama’s Vice President for 8 years. That’s the same as saying she and President Obama don’t belong in the same party.

You don’t understand us Biden voters at all. We’re not voting against Trump. We’re voting for Joe. We’re voting for President Obama’s Vice President and we’re voting to uphold President Obama’s legacy.

Farewell, Splinter!

Yet another example of malicious leftists being too cowardly to slander First Lady Michelle Obama and President Obama directly. They always pick proxy targets to do it. This time it’s Ellen. True Democrats are not fooled by the Left’s chicanery.

Perhaps we should ponder more deeply this phenomenon we call “dirt.” We understand dirt to be information that causes public embarrassment to a person, but embarrassment is a subjective perception, not objective fact.