my spirit animus is a goofy bunny

Feel like there should be a DQ instead.

Sniff, i WAS hungry before. Now even more.

I feel physically ill

Don’t pay me any mind, I’m originally from dirty Jersey and obligated to pick on LI’s traffic (somehow worse than NJ’s) and accents (ditto, lol, j/k), but you guys get to be known as the ones with not-trashy beach towns and the birthplace of Public Enemy. Also, on the recommendation of another LI peep here, I will be

No call to cast aspersions on all of Long Island. We are not all racists by any stretch of the imagination. The Hamptons are not as racist as you seem to think, they just make a lot of noise. Prior to the current asshole US representative for the first district, we had voted in a liberal who held office for 10

Even as I wrote it, I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point that out. :P

As long as we’re acknowledging that Angela Merkel is indeed the leader of the free world, can we give her kudos for what I think was her own wonderful shadeswipe? A few hours before meeting with the Yamchurian Candidate, she spent her morning having a discussion with . . . Barack Obama. In public, in front of hundreds

By “opera pigs,” I assume you mean Pigoletto.

Francis is a Jesuit. Jesuits are crafty and intelligent mofos - that’s one of the reasons they are frequently referred to as “God’s Marines.” If a Pope was gonna throw shade, I would actually think it would be him.

The “hey, champ, it’s okay” pat was the best part for me!


It makes me want to cry that our female candidate knew she had to practice not being physically intimidated by her opposition.

No, dogs were not created by humans. There are and were always wild dogs. Certain dog breeds were created by humans, yes.

he show stands out from all others as it didn’t try too hard to force feed a good message at the end of each episode; at least not until the later seasons.

What will they do about Mark? Cause Dan may or may not be dead, but Glenn Quinn definitely is.

I would so be the opposite mom. “Look at this black dress honey!! Or grey! We can get you black gel polish! God hot ass pink really??”

To be fair I was Goth AF and I didn’t wear black to my prom. Goth is a state of mind. And to quote my friend from college: you never stop being Goth you just require less eyeliner.

I expected her to be edgier in her attire

Not goth enough?

too bad Harold’s car wasnt available...