Human garbage who would kill and mutilate their disabled adopted son are inspired by one thing only....their complete and utter lack of humanity. Sick, evil people.
Human garbage who would kill and mutilate their disabled adopted son are inspired by one thing only....their complete and utter lack of humanity. Sick, evil people.
“noted the Affleck character in the movie is told that you can’t be prosecuted for accidentally killing your children.”
“She also invented the remote concert mic.”
Hounds of Love.
“I’m baffled by the sudden rabid fandom”
I would ferry her across the ocean in a hot air balloon towed by a narwhal. (Just go with me on this one)
Forgive me if I stole this from someone, but...
Noooo I felt the worst for Vivi because she clearly didn’t want to be there. At least most of the other girls seemed to really love dance and want to dance. I’m glad Cathy stopped putting that girl on stage. (At least I think she did)
In fact, I think God’s Plan for this dude is a pair of smashed kneecaps, and I’m feeling a calling from the Lord.
What if they just rename it “Royale with Cheese”?
That is horrible! I didn’t know that story, but it must be why the procedure for missing kids in any retail shop I’ve worked in is called “Code Adam.”
Leaving aside the issue of “sending a six-year-old OUTSIDE the store is bad practice,” you’re right - the 80s was a completely different time, particularly before Adam was killed, and people left their kids alone ALL THE TIME. They didn’t expect anyone to watch them - it just didn’t dawn on them that child abductions…
Those looking for some good dead mall action should check out Dan Bell’s Dead Mall Series on YouTube. Love that guy’s work. He’s been to a bunch of urban dead malls too - ones in Philly especially are egregious in their design.
that’s often how i describe myself, i don’t see any harm in phrasing it that way.
It’s a game about fireman or nature watch that found a communication radio and then the man begun to talk to a lady on the other end of radio while roaming the forest doing his job.
Ryan Murphy, the best creator of 6 episode seasons in history (which he then stretches into 20 episode seasons).
I absolutely love rose ice cream. Lavender is really good too. The key with both of them is not over-doing it. It should be a subtle flavor, not cloying.
please stick to the music and the styles that you’re used to, voice judges.
oh oh oh I have an awesome one I found the other day and this seems the perfect article to share it on! *rummages around in work computer files*