
How did this man not possess the forearm strength to lift himself out of this predictament.

Call this what it is: a mentally ill hoarder was crushed under his belongings. Who cares what they are? This is sad. :(

So my Polish fiance says that this guy is well known in Europe - and especially Poland - for being a piece of shit provocateur.

Same judge who came down light on the boys in the Rehteah Parsons case.

Only gonna say this ‘cause I didn’t learn until I was 22 and it caused me a lot of grief:

No no no. I’ve had one UTI that probably spread to my kidneys. Nope. It ranks up there with shingles as one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.

i’ve started writing 4 different comments here, but none of them seemed worthy or enough.

If that slut didn’t want a disabled baby, she should have prayed harder. That’s on her.

Adding.... THIS LAW KIDS WILL GET ABUSED AND ABANDONED. Forcing people who do not want to raise a child (or cannot raise a child) to raise a disabled child is a terrible, terrible, terrible idea.


Same here. It is really hard. And my abuse started when I was 3-4, which logically I know that no person would ever blame a child that age, but I do. I mean, part of it was the grooming aspect and that it went on for years, which made me compliant and feel complicit, but I really do struggle with feeling responsible

What Jane said hits so close to home for me. I am intelligent and as feminist as they come, and logically I know that rape is never the fault of anyone but the rapist. But knowing that logically doesn’t always translate into applying it to yourself, or at least it didn’t for me. I would NEVER blame anyone else for

Also, Fuck Ivanka and her phony concern. Go talk to your Father hand his cabal of bigots.. Piss off with your hashtag bullshit.

Bomb threats to JCC’s nationwide are reaching near 100 incidents since January. They frequently are sites with preschools, which then need to be evacuated for several hours. Nothing has happened thus far , but I cannot imagine the lingering fear that parents experience sending their kids there after an event like this.

Police have not indicated whether they will designate this vandalism a hate crime.

Snokes size is officially.... One Snoke high

After 10 years, I finished paying off my student loans today! *High fives all around*

I really want to see this movie but more than anything I want everyone to see this good tweet.

I agree with her. I hate going to movies in theaters because of all the mouth-breathing idiots who crinkle their fucking candy wrappers for 45 minutes and cough every 2 seconds.

The Katy Perry part of the exchange wasn’t shady. The Britney response? That was shady.