
I watched the game. Boutte got his ass kicked the entire game. LSU’s entire offensive line played like shit. Wisconsin defenders were getting to Harris and Fournette untouched all afternoon. That was the actions of a chicken-shit punk who got his lunch eaten all day and was looking for someone to take out his

Michael Cole: What a terrible display of unsportsmanlike conduct. That’s disgusting.
JBL: Shut up, MAGAL! That was blatant disrespect! He deserved it! You don’t go celebrating like that when there’s still time on the clock!
Michael Cole: John, the play was clearly over.
JBL: Nothing was clear, MAGAL! His teammates were

Sure he does. I mean the play’s over, the ref’s clearly waving his hands before the hit and it’s cheap as hell. But the guy had the ball, it goes bouncing away at the end along with whatever was left of LSU’s dignity.

He fell down catching the ball so was clearly down. Obviously you know nothing. But thanks for your great comment.

Geaux home, assholes

Actually, I think it’s for protection for when the cops curb stomp him on the street for driving 37 in a 35 MPH zone.

Oh his strategy is clearly designed to ensure he never takes the field. He doesn’t need CTE protection. Brilliant ploy, an easy $19 mil.

It's a good thing people this sensitive have blanket license to harass and murder the people complaining about this very fact.

That’s an emergency tablecloth.

I’m sure they save money by just folding up Skip Bayless and mailing him to his destination.

How could you forget the pocket square? Pulls the whole thing together.

Whitlock: “Follow-up question: can you tell me what color my shoes are?”

Certainly true.

Thanks. He’s fat and weighs a huge amount

Pretty sure they made him put that on when he showed up to cover mustard stains. Luckily Yokozuna left behind his blazer from a WWF event in 94.

Pretending Whitlock doesn’t exist is never a dick move


That’s something Don Johnson wore when he was 375 pounds

probably not, due to his big fat body. he’s so fat that he’s unable to stand up due to how huge he is. don’t mean to offend.

He’s now kneeling, so that’s different (I guess?), but before he was doing literally the laziest thing you can do to protest. This dude has money, and as much as he sucks at being a quaterback (still better than me though), he has influence and sway over people. The guy could be donating money to any number of