
Please keep in mind, they began to study replacing the nimitz class prior to the fall of the berlin wall. The pre-design work for Ford was begun in the early 90s, and everything has followed from that. Each successive generation of carrier fighter has grown larger and heavier, as has the expectation of carrier air

I suspect that they will get a few Fords. But, somewhere along the way, semi autonomous drones will become the preferred flight platform and, with a modest downscaling of their size as compared to conventional fighters, smaller carriers will suffice. I personally imagine something on the order of a modified America

RIP to all the victims aside from Peyton Manning

I’m just glad Ken Griffey Jr. and Brett Favre will be spared.

We are in furious agreement ;)

Someone needs to go to jail for this. General Atomics (EMALS and Arrestor gear (I think)) Northrup Grumman, and the program office jackasses who thought “We don’t need to actually test anything, let’s just slap that shit in there” all need to go to jail or have their contracts stripped from them. If no one else can

I thought you might enjoy this. (Airplane jokes, ranked, with screencaps.)

To be fair, he probably needs someone to carry his water. He needs a lot of it.

Only if fog shuts down everywhere east of the Rockies…

keyword: resign

I’m starting to grasp where all my job interviews have gone sideways.

Sure, but Kerry did so in order to continue serving the public good and the country. Is Marco in line for SoS with President Clinton?

To be fair, Microsoft could force him to upgrade his operating system to Windows 10.

Did somebody say Zumwalt?

Everything the pentagon orders and develops recently seems go Charlie Foxtrot, these Ford class ships, the littoral combat ship, the f35, and christ knows how much else. All the while trying to kill off A-10s and other proven airframes. Time for heads to roll and a whole new approach to design and production of new

And how badly you are trying to avoid the Chief.

So its the second largest Ford after the Expedition?

Well it launches the F18 which fires the bullets. So it's a railgun by proxy.

including electromagnet catapults

Wait, they have rivals too? Pretty soon, they might be on television.