Christ. Even fucking natural disasters are a liberal conspiracy now.
Christ. Even fucking natural disasters are a liberal conspiracy now.
They should have called it Hurricane Thanks Obama.
If we go by his official age I’m older than Bartolo
Congrats on 40.
I believe that is correct.
You always keep some ammo in reserve in case your first shot misses.
The love child of Chris Farley and Auric Goldfinger?
The last one to pull the trick of VP to POTUS by election before GHWB did it was Martin Van Buren.
Pretty shocking. I always assumed Ming the Merciless was a Yankees fan.
I wanted the guards to win in the Adam Sandler version as well.
In a related story, former Florida QB Tim Tebow is being investigated for a possible sexual assault by immaculate conception.
Wrong. The Vice President is a CRUCIAL pick because of it’s importance as a stepping stone to the Presidency. It has to be a flashy and sexy pick so that person can glide into being POTUS after their 8 year VP stint
Well as long as they’re Nimitz class douche canoes because we know they are proven and effective.
Al Snow?
Jennifer Lawrence? Are you kidding me?
Hyun Soo Kym’s head snaps back and to the left.
It’s better than Newt or Reince.
Just when I think my admiration for billionaires can’t possible get any higher, I learn about yet another burden these poor souls have to deal with on a regular basis in their cursed and wretched lives.
This is the financial equal of someone saying “I’m not racist, but.........” and then the next thing out of his mouth being the most racist filth you can imagine.
Well never.