
Oh yea, almost forgot…

This is the dumbest, dumb shit take of the month. Lance Armstrong built legions of disciples who swore he was the Jesus Christ of fitness. So..yeah...that and he ruined several other people careers AND dumped his wife. But, the Postal Service made more money!

Let’s see…

I read this line and could only think of a modified phrase of Tom Ley last week:

It would have been a gross injustice if Armstrong was financially ruined by the lawsuit

Due to Armstrong’s utterly abhorrent behavior toward anyone who ever (rightfully) confronted him (including attempted financial ruin), I’ll respectfully disagree that it would have been “grossly unjust” for Armstrong to be financially ruined by this suit. Fuck bullies, man.

what the fuck is ASMR and why is this article written as if I’m supposed to know what it is?


I would absolutely watch a Wide World of Sports that was just Darren Rovell attempting basic motor skills.

No no no, see you’ve got it all wrong. You can tell this post *isn’t* sponsored because McDonalds is admitting that they screwed up, which is totally cool and brave and shows that they’re just like all of us. I used to think they were a faceless corporation, but now I see that they’re actually WOKE as hell!

Yeah, I’m curious why this isn’t supposed to be flagged as sponsored. If McDonald’s didn’t sponsor the actual article but the podcast, which isn’t considered the “subject” of the article (even though it clearly is), then maybe they’re flouting the rules a bit.

Because McDonald’s paid the Kinja-verse to write this I’m going to go out of my way not to eat there.

Thanks for saying what needed to be said.

I love the reigned-in snark now that their sister sites are partnering with McDs.

I’m reading: “Gizmodo partners with McDonalds to present a new podcast length commercial!”

You need more stars like this article needs a tag

This again and again and again.

“My Joshua Tree post, in particular, was mocked online,” White told me. “That’s one of the potential downfalls about writing personally online, especially when you’re a woman.”

Shit like this enrages me so much that it makes me want to throw my keyboard against the wall. Which is fine, because the Logitech 2600 Wireless Keyboard is built to sustain impacts of up to 600 pounds of force.