
Well lock me up and throw away the sea salt if they’re roasted right, cause I plead guilty.

Either make another movie without her or let it die.

First of all, the world does not need another Sex and the City anything. Leave that dead horse alone!

Never underestimate greed and ego.

Right? His tweet backs up her version, and he’s not aware of it. Even if Kim was negotiating, all parties didn’t come to an agreement so the answer is still no. She could have still not wanted to do it but still wanted to see what they’d offer just to see how far they’d go. WTF difference does it make at this point?

he doesn’t want a partner - he wants an accessory, a bauble, a thing he can look at other people and say, look at this thing that i have and you don’t. 

Oof. Thanks for the info, and thank you so much for the job that you do. I can only imagine how brutal it must be out there.

What kind of monster would you have to be to not only sexually abuse but to FILM IT for OTHER monster people to consume???

I am a child social worker. I deal with this type of stuff quite often. And everything you stated is correct. In addition, what we don’t mention is how often children are abused by someone in the family (which is why I get pissed off at conservatives and their stupid bathroom bills. Sorry asswipe, but a transgender

What?! No. I was blissfully naive about the exact nature of this shit. I spend most of my time studying or reading celeb gossip... I don’t even know why i asked because I just get angry, anxious and depressed which is why I avoid shitty subjects generally.

sick fucks!!!

The “Epcot Centre” Twitter account is pretty amusing:

Thank you for reminding me when the greatest source of daily tension in my life was seeing that one fucking PT Cruiser in my hometown and wondering why someone would buy it. I was so naive. I was so lucky.

The more I hear of other people’s families, the more profoundly grateful I am for my irritating, boundary-pushing, loving crew.

You see what’s goin on in the world? We ridin’ for their whole LaLineage until further notice. We don’t have a choice.

DON’T FORGET ALL THE PINK! If it’s not PINK, it’s not real cancer.


I concur. And please no one judge me. But that is way too much pink on her. It screams “Love me! Define me!”

I am so glad I don’t have to actually watch the show. This rundown is so much better.

Is she always standing in front of that image of the skyline where Trump Tower is the most prominent and appears to be tallest building? Because, gross.

Marinovich’s dad was legit a bad father. Ball behaves terribly, but I don’t think he is a bad father as far as I can tell. My own father had some pretty stupid ideas and behaved badly at times, but he was always there for me. Ball can be a flawed person but still a decent dad. He is a misogynist though, let’s not