
It’s like her hair has awkwardly turned to the side so as not to be recognized as being with Katherine Heigl.

While they’re at it, I wish the coders could make again so that you see which of your many witty posts are recommended in the notifications. Now it just says “X people recommended your reply” and when I click to see which one, it doesn’t even take me to that reply, just the headline of the post I replied to.

I can’t stop looking at that picture. Her hair style is a really bizarre shape, and who wears a blazer to hoist up cat litter?

If you all keep mining (no pun intended) rural Appalachia the Root is going to post a story like this and it’s going to be someone I am related to.

This is like standard wear. They need to be able to move around unencumbered by looser clothing. I happen to love these very much. However, I feel like the black portion of the bodysuit should have been under the bralette. Right? It would have looked more finished IMO.

They are never going to win over the folks pissed off about this.

I really enjoyed Michael explaining to Jason that they are in the bad place like it didn’t really matter - then it turning out to be not because he was going to do a reset, rather because he knew Jason totally wouldn’t get it.

I never know where this show is gonna go and I love it.

As a New Englander, I’m glad that they used New England clam chowder in the fountain (cuz the Manhattan one is nonsense), but I am offended how much Eleanor insulted the chowda.

Rewatched s1 between last week’s episode and this week’s, and it was a great idea. Helps keep gags/storylines fresh, would recommend it. I love this show so damn much and after rewatching I’ve come to appreciate the philosophy that’s weaved in throughout even more. Such a fun and funny show.

I would also gladly eat at Hot Dog on a Stick on a Stick in the afterlife. And the knish places because knishes are fucking awesome.

The golden rule in The Good Place writers’ room seems to be “Never put off until next episode, that which you can do this episode.”

I’m a little hesitant about throwing away a season’s worth of character development. I really enjoyed the ways the main 4 interacted/grew.

The original protest was Kaep sitting for the anthem, but after talking with an army special forces soldier they came up with kneeling as a way to both show respect and disapproval simultaneously.

At least now his father won’t have to work for a racist asshole.

It’s not about the flag. It’s about black people speaking up. It doesn’t matter what form the protests take, white people will get offended.

I personally don’t understand how any veteran could reasonably take someone kneeling for the anthem or flag as a sign of disrespect, it just doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

Frankly, I wouldn’t hire anyone related to a Lions player to do contract work. I have sincere doubts that they’d know how to finish.