
Money. That’s all that matters when you have no soul.

I think the answer lies somewhere with quantum mechanics. We’ll find out eventually, but perhaps not in our lifetimes.

I love that she’s wearing a cross while defending a guy who is nearly the complete opposite of everything Jesus represented.

Now playing

One of many from Scottie Neil Hughes tonight

Honestly, I cannot understand the batshit mental acrobatics and internalized misogyny that would enable any woman to defend Trump’s comments.

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

This election season has been so heartbreaking for so many reasons. While I’m perfectly confident that Clinton will crush Trump, it’s been genuinely heartbreaking to discover that ~43 percent of the voting public finds someone like Trump to be palatable and that they’re willing to excuse and even celebrate his blatant

Oh fuck you NBC, you’re the ones who foisted him on us in the first place, giving him legitimacy even when he was pulling his birther nonsense. You know they must have unaired footage of him in the Apprentice board room saying offensive things about women, where is that? The contestants said it happened and there’s

So, grab them by the Donald Trump during the Vietnam War?

Kinja is so fucking boring since Gawker was assassinated.

Bobby, we have to measure the Universe somehow. Humans, most of them fucking morons trapped in a bag of their own projected shit and fascination with instantly blinking lights, still require the need for self sustainement, like flying cockroaches, who live for about 8 days and just fuck like crazy in the time they

You can really understand why Barack pursued her with such determination. 

OMG I need to make time to watch this! THERE’S TOO MUCH GOOD TV OUT THERE and it’s driving me nuts.

How. HOW. HOW IS THIS GUY SO POPULAR. He seems like he’s even more popular that Nader was, and Nader actually deserved it (even if he did kind of help get the worst president ever elected...).

Well, I can understand how very religious conservatives whose minds are locked down tight might be against some of his policies. I get that.

Yeah, every time I hear critics disparage Obama’s character or criticize the extremely rational, balanced and empathetic language he uses, it floors me.

Just between us, Trump definitely fucked Tyson’s wife, right?

Lisa Ling needs to do a segment where she heads on out to O’Reilly’s house and asks him questions about those saucy Irish tempers. I mean, it’s all in good fun and I’d love to know if it’s an “Irish” thing to cheat on your wife and then try to get her excommunicated when she divorces you.

This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.