
Must be a Kylie impersonator that hasn’t had any work done yet.

Who is that?


I love the moments where she was looking at him and just blinking like “this idiot right here...”

This debate made me weep for humanity. Hillary came across as smart and polished while Trump came across as a coked-up madman. And there are still millions upon millions of people who will vote for this human cheeto.

I swear to god Hillary grew younger and stronger during that rant.

Good Lord, Trump is mentally disfunctional...

I literally still can’t listen to the Dean scream because it still breaks my heart. TOO SOON.

GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.

That’s what I thought, then I was like, well, I haven’t actually been there so...

“I loved working for Whole Foods …”

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

One last thing they can blame on Obama before sweet, sweet oblivion.

You may be on to something.

That was so short it was almost lazy. I DEMAND MORE.

God, he’s aged so much. The office really does do a number on you.

“I scoured everything I could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. I became pretty convinced.”

Kids need some stability though. School and a daily routine are important.

I’d have a hard time taking my kids to an actively war ravaged place like Syria. I see his point. As an adult she can go where she wants - her person, her decision, but he does have equal say in where the kids go, no?