
Blue and black skirt, third photo down the article, far right, I want you. (I will take a somewhat close impersonation, as that will be what I can afford.)

Now, see, I was just thinking that it’s like she wrote a headline that called me by my full name.

Strong De Stijl vibes too.

no Chick lit is chick lit. It's what you read on a damn beach, and all of her books qualify. Toni Morrison? Zadie Smith? Rice? Didion??? Not chick lit.

did you watch miss america last night? (i did. why, i don’t know.) but ciara was a judge and some bitch said all lives matter and i thought she and gabby douglas and sara foster were gonna explode.

And Cam Newton. After this past super bowl when he lost, I heard people literally saying that the “good guy won.” Last season, white people especially were writing letters to the team management about how they didn’t like his “flamboyant” nature. And yet, he still did “we’re all the same color”. Dude, these people do

I thought the same thing when I first read his thoughts on BLM. A lot of those same people from BLM were on twitter and other social media defending him, when he was being called a thug, but he can’t even support them.

I’m not surprised that Wilson is team All-Lives, but I’m disappointed that Sherman is too. You’d think that a guy like Sherman, who himself has been the target of bigoted criticisms for things that white guys get a pass on, would be on the right side of this issue.

team blame russell

Also, you’re not entitled to have Oprah pick your book! That’s the thing—it’s Oprah’s name on the goddamned book club; she can pick whatever she wants. Sit down, sad white lady.

Yup. While I appreciate her confessional and have felt the same way too many times, this essay comes across as a blatant plea for sympathy and compliments. It’s the same thing my middle school students do: “This essay totally sucks, and I totally suck by extension, right? [Please tell me I’m awesome and do not suck!]”

While I admire her honesty, doesn’t she have a BFF to vent to? And wouldn’t that BFF tell her, “Maybe keep some of this shit between us, huh?”

Same. I even copied:

Donald Trump is not going to be able to follow all the rules of the debates, like time limits and waiting his turn.

I’m shocked he’s married to a woman who looks like his mother. Just utterly shocked.

I was confused. Thanks for the clarification. But now I’m sad, because I was reading quotes in Garry Marshall’s voice and it was delightful.