
I used to work for the Royals ad agency writing TV and radio spots. We referred to every team by their mascot except for Cleveland. The organization refused to use the term “Indian” whatsoever. Apparently their front office isn’t alone on that, so I’m sure it shuffles over to the NFL to a degree.

By the way, I wouldn’t call your exchange “fruitless.” It seems pretty clear that the Giants are more than willing to entertain the notion that the Washington team name is inappropriate.

Yeah, Kobe nuthuggers are annoying. But as bad as Donald Trump voters? Get the fuck out of here.

I always fucking hated Kobe but that was fun to watch. It’s almost like he read the Deadspin articles today and was like “fuck it, selfish? You wanna see selfish?" And just chucked it 50 times. Oh by the way also was fucking red hot with ice in his veins down the stretch of that game to drag a shitty ass Lakers team

Ah, cool, now post a photo of Robert Horry smiling with the larger number of championship trophies he’s won.

That’s Drew’s article

I’m expecting the next article to just say “Fuck Kobe Bryant” over and over again.

Seriously, you guys need to stop this. Like this is epic level trolling.

I sometimes forget how good Grant Hill was. Would have been cool to see him at his peak with Mcgrady in Orlando. I do question any stat that calls Steve Francis the best player in the league, but his numbers that year were pretty damn good.

I gotta tell you, I would care if someone was green or purple. Sick or choking people are something to care about.

Bring up real issues and challenges is complaining.


DON’T COMPLAIN (says a white person).

Not to be that guy, but Kobe is a breed, 1, 2, 3, and 5 are specific cuts of beef and 4 is just Smush.

I wonder if she typed something else at first like “InstaDude” and thought, “no, that’s insensitive to trans men, I should just say ‘InstaTransGender’ instead so they feel recognized”? Allies make mistakes. We all do.

It’s exhausting being outraged all the time, and constantly letting perfect be the enemy of good.

Guy with a Masters in Special Education and 17 years working with children with severe autism here: 1. Fuck you DeNiro, you degenerate piece of garbage. 2. The causes of autism are widely accepted as a mess of disparate factors.....the age of the father, a heightened level of testosterone in the mother, genetics ( a

I truly feel for parents desperate to find something to blame for their child’s disorder, but once you cross the line into spreading dangerous untruths because you want the conspiracy to be true so badly, you must be told to sit down and shut up. Looks like Mr. De Niro has crossed that line.