
Fantastic news. I've a fundimental philosophical objection to localised versions of web sites for topics as international as tech, but with Hannaford in charge I'll have to give it a look.

Yeah, point taken.

And because you seem to have missed it, the ethical breach is not writing about one's life. The ethical breach is a journalist writing about the personal life of a private individual, identified by name, for reasons that are not even remotely in the public interest. If you think otherwise I suggest you speak to a

Furthermore, it's not a Gawker editor's job to write about their dating life. It's certainly not a Gizmodo contributor's job to write about their dating life. If the patissier decides he's going to spend the whole day making sauces, you don't give him a free ride "because it's still cooking".

So, by your reckoning:

I think if you've had a bad date with someone, sending them messages about your crazy Dahmer dreams is probably crossing a social line.

In fact it's apparently a violation of the journalistic ethics code of her alma mater, so she should (by definition) know better.

Finkel is being more of a gentleman about this than he has any obligation to be:

It's not just "kind of unnecessary", it's spectacularly unethical. The author is using their priviledged position as editor of a major blog to publically slur someone she dated.

Be that as it may, I don't think even the Gizmodo comments crowd are low enough to mock their date by name in a public post on one of the world's most popular blogs. It's the ur slur. People will look at their bad dates for years to come and say, "well, at least Gizmodo didn't write about it".

After passing on the Steve Jobs cancer pictures, I really had to wonder what Gizmodo had in store. I can see that I needn't have been worried. Classic train-wreck blogging guys, great stuff. I'd look forward to the police seizing Boreznak's computers in the middle of the night as part of some intricate lawsuit

It's not exactly information-rich but I've been watching the hurricane's progress on Living Earth HD, an iPhone globe app that uses the cloud pictures off weather sites. Now it occurs to me that maybe the NASA app has something.

Fellow iPhone users: if you're confused by this, you need to know that Android rearranges the text to fit into the screen width after it zooms in. Whereas on the iPhone, it zooms in until the column is the same width as the screen.

Repeat post.

Brominated flame retardants in the plastic. They get exposed to UV light and break down to produce the lovely red-brown compounds for which bromine is famous. Retrobrite's site has a decent amount of background. []

This is to hacking as shoplifting is to safecracking.

"Future LCDs Panels Will Use Its Own Light to Creat Only Use Energy, But It"

Even when dealing with people you know well, I find that it helps to make the message "task oriented", saying what you'd like them to do. Then provide only the background needed to fully explain THEIR objective. Suppose you're trying to complete data analysis of the zeptogram results with program Y but comparing

And the original PSP.

I believe that there's a similar arrangement under the Pentile brand too.