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@sweetelectro: There's rugged, and there's rugged. The iPhone's meant to be durable, but some phones are going to take more knocks than others. Swings and roundabouts.

@kazemizuhi: There's no "region-lock" on phones. What you're talking about is the need to roam onto other networks, and use the services of other companies, when travelleing, and the ridiculous charges involved. That's got nothing to do with the hardware. It's all in the networks' court.

@the-hq: Right, and the iPhone 4 is no more or less locked down in France than any of the previous ones were. Similarly the changes in iPhone availability in the UK are to do with changes in the decisions made by Apple and the networks, not some mandate from the UK or EU government.

The ad campaign connected to that site was running weeks before the sinkhole appeared. I'm surprised they didn't use a different pic from the commercial, though.

@nicointhesky: It has nothing to do with the EU, Apple's just cut different deals. Neither the EU nor any of its member governments have pushed Apple into doing this.

@aek8: I'd like to apologise on behalf of my nation for Three's new ad campaign. It's eye-gougingly terrible. They used to do better ones.

@Dadjoe: To their credit, they also had the sense to focus on the internet usage of 3G after video calls flopped.

I liked that short film they had before Swordfish, where there was that intriguing speech from John Travolta, a shock twist, and then an amazing special effect. They should've just made that into a movie.

@Sent from my toilet: They put a whole lot of little adverts on the pavement in a row, leading up to a shop entrance.

They've done themselves a disservice by not saying whether it's talktime or standby. If it's standby, obviously the phone will run down quicker than you're charging it up. If it's talktime, you might be getting something like a 20:1 walking:standby ratio.

I expect nothing less from this keynote than a solid hour of jokes at Gizmodo's expense.

@Pikachu Mariachi:A hispanic videogame character.: My understanding is that his script was rewritten to de-modernise it, but that much of his work survived. Enough of his script remained for him to get a writer credit, at any rate, something which the WGA normally only allows if at least half of a writer's dialogue is