
OK the problem was on my end. This tool is great and I love it thanks!

As I just commented in the original post...the recent items tool is awesome I do suspect however, that it caused my system to lock up frequently with dock crashes. I could be wrong, but since I've removed it things have been fine.

This was a pretty awesome tool. However I suspect that it caused my system to lock up frequently with dock crashes. I'm not 100% but I had regular crashes until I got rid of this.

on of the other things that bugs me about browser full screen support for these type of things...anybody know something I'm missing?

@chocolim: OMG I almost cut and paste in mac folders (finder)...Lame

Mac user here. Thinking more of the little things...sorry but since everyone (almost) is off topic...

I'm a mac user with over 30k images. I had problems using iphoto, it would slow down. I tried aperture and while it's nice for some things, it just didn't work for me.