
For the commenters losing their damn minds: Let’s discuss intersectionality.

Can’t two female rappers have simultaneous moments?

Culturally, yes.

1) But the only outrage is self-generated. Kondabolu produced a (in my mind) thoughtful documentary in which he tackles minority representation in popular culture through the lens of The Simpsons. He repeatedly talks about how much he loves The Simpsons, how funny he finds Apu to be, and how conflicted he feels in

Fear WHOSE wrath, and in what actual form would or COULD it take aside from verbal disagreement, you big baby? Sheesh.

You sure are spending a lot of words on someone you don’t care about.

it’s much easier to believe generations of Indian children are being bullied or made fun of because of an outdated POC stereotype on a popular tv show than it is to think of white kids being teased as “haha you’re Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel!”

The latter of which has probably never happened while the former is

You never cared for Lisa Simpson, the most progressive and insightful character on the whole show? I mean, to each their own and all.

I just think Lisa has been the most admirable character on The Simpsons whenever you examine her. To have her rolling her eyes over legitimate concerns of racial stereotyping seems like

We know, Ted, we know.

White trash is pretty broadly represented beyond Cletus. If half of Discovery Channel’s programming was filled with people of Indian descent, then we wouldn’t be talking about Apu.

Because Al Jean is an old rich white guy who hasn’t kept up with general social discourse on racism and thus thinks that what he learned/grew up with in the 70s and 80s was the pinnacle of human understanding and that kids these days are the ones who are wrong.

Can’t wait to see how civil the comments are going to be...

If my wife is pregnant, the only opinions on abortion I want to hear are hers.

If a woman were to be punished for an abortion — a position I want to be clear that I’m wholly against — then damn right the man should suffer the same punishment.

Says who?

Democrats need to hold Conservatives accountable for the cruelty of their ideas. In personal conversations I mean. I know America has a white hot boner for individualism, but we talk about small government all the time without pointing out what the ridiculous consequences of that system would be.

It’s so strange how fathers are never to be punished for abortions. I’m sure it’s just a right-wing oversight.

The photograph at the end of this article is incredible and I hope it wins awards.

No snark, but I honestly don’t know why this would be shocking. The same culture that teaches men to hate women also teaches women to hate women.