
This brings up an important aspect of physical abuse that we don't often talk about: that for many women, an attack that affects their appearance is also effectively an attack on their livelihood.

Watching the live feeds, restraint could have been straight saying "good night, protesters!" and walking away. A hundred people standing in the street chanting (for the police storm troopers posted there) did not need to be tear gassed. Holy shit. This all could be ended by the cops seriously investigating the death

These little boys keep on dying, unarmed and on their own

The major news corporations handling of the events in Ferguson are actually an act of violence towards the American people.

when my little brother sits up and defends 4chan (a place i avoided because my internet-new brain KNEW it was a horrible palce) i figured he was gone too deep. i'll let him drown with the rest of the kiddos that find a little harassment online to be THE BEST PAST TIME EVER.

fuck all y'all, y'all motherfuckers need

Apparently, in this world of unbridled "free speech" we've created on the Internet, a daughter can't even mourn her father and share memories with a grieving public, because a few people decided this was the ideal time to torture a woman who dared share her story.

I have never been so filled with a white hot burning RAGE on behalf of someone I've never met. Poor Zelda.

No one's demanding he write gay characters. No one's demanding anything. It's critique, it's an important part of any artform. When this is a writer who had no issues depicting violent rape and sex scenes with minors, but says he can't write gay sex scenes....of course eyebrows will be raised. People are allowed to

Who is saying he shouldn't 'write as he wishes'? He can write whatever he wants. And I can criticize those choices as upholding a long tradition of excluding certain types of people from literature.

First of all, that's not an unpopular opinion. At the time of posting, there is already another comment saying the same.

It would be a pot - kettle situation if Michelle Obama were actually overweight! This is a pudgy guy calling an athletic woman with an enviable strong figure fat....

"a show that's mostly female panelists but somehow manages to sneak in dudes to keep up the level of sexist commentary Fox News is known for"

Body shaming is bullshit. That being said, if you are going to stoop that low, shouldn't you make sure you are in absolute tip-top fucking shape before doing it?? Because if not, not only do you look like a hypocrite, you look like an idiot for not realizing you're a hypocrite. Like, at least if you body shame when

I saw friend of a friend on my FB feed talking about how the new health guidelines for school lunches were probably going to kill her celiac child. Even my batshit conservative FB friend (the link between us that put this convo on my feed) was like, how can more whole fruits and vegetables and less processed food be

1) There are a lot of extremely healthy people who are "fat" see: my cousin who runs 5k marathons for shits and giggles

She speaks as though she has something to say that is worthy of being heard. That's a pretty grave offense for a lot of FOX viewers, coming from a black woman.

Someone needs to liposuction all that fat in his fucking head.

Black bodies and white people have never gotten along.
Desired and hated at the same time.

There are already some commenters posting on Jezebel demanding they leave the comments on other sites alone (from people who really believe that the GIFs are in support of Jezebel) and ones saying that Jezebel had to go and complain and ruin it for everyone (from people who get that these are probably from the same