
And I’m sure if your darkest secrets were revealed to the world they would think you’re a saint.

And you’re part of the problem then, keep growing more hate instead of being the change you want to see. You’re a fucking hypocrite.

There’s a pretty big difference between respect and human decency. Just because you disagree with someones parents over political views doesn’t give you a right to openly harass them in public......

If you ever upgrade a desktop with a gaming laptop then you’re a fucking idiot.

And who also got a big fat check from razer for saying so....

If by professional things you don’t mean word processing, interacting with any kind of older crm programs, having domain issues, not being able to run any basic productivit apps which are the standard now for “business” then sure they do professional things.

I will never trust a “gaming” laptop this thin. There is no way it doesn’t have massive cooling issues and will probably end up burnt up inside within a year. Same as most razer products, if you’re buying it you should assume you’ll need a replacement within a year.

You don’t even need to spend HM money honestly. is that not a desk chair....

You’re much better off doing that. As someone who has had a DX racer brand chair like the above and also have a Herman Miller at work I greatly prefer the HM.

Says more than it would say for you if you were Hillary.....

More fanservice from blizzard, and here come the sheep to gobble this trash up.

And it’s not even worth half that.

And it’s not even worth half that.

The guys chest brushed his helmet. If you consider it a hit to the head you’re a bigger pussy than 90% of the quarterbacks today.

It’s called momentum. Quit being a homer.

Nice hyperbole.

Jak II........seriously........are you fucking retarded to pick this over Jak and Daxter..............They took a very well made platformer with a ton of charm and then just dunked it into a pot full of edgelord and slapped a neckbeard on it before striping the platforming away in favor of shitty edgy

I’d rather never have access to another mobile game that to be forced to use apple. Fuck that company and everyone who buys their shit tier products because of the branding. You’re all idiots.

Enough with no mans sky already. The game was fun for what it was. Its not the devs fault that other companies started rumors about features that turned into wildfire that THEY NEVER PROMISED. If you’re one of the salty hyperbole kids still ranting about this you need to grow the fuck up.

Not a troll, I’m just genuinely sick of kids like you who cry at every type of insult or criticism and whine about getting triggered online. If you have that much of a reaction to gaming online then maybe you should avoid whats causing you the issue instead of forcing everyone else to change to suit you....Either