James Booth

For here, yeah. It did actually do very well in arena tours in the UK and Australia, but North America is not really the place for musical arena tours. I imagine though they were probably hoping it would be successful here as it was in the other places It might've been better to scale back the tour and have it in

Sailor Moon was my gateway drug into anime, like so many others, and it remains a favorite to this day. I own both incarnations of the manga (the 90s released ones, and the recently re-released ones), some of the VHS/DVDs, and did write a lot of fanfiction for it (and may have also pretended I was a Sailor Scout-

For me, I honestly don't care if it's sub or dub. I'll watch either and enjoy both. The main appeal for me with dubs is that then I don't necessarily need to be constantly watching the screen to read what's being said. Essentially, the dub is a laziness aspect.