ugh. how opportunistic of her. using rape to draw attention to herself and sell books.
ugh. how opportunistic of her. using rape to draw attention to herself and sell books.
Oh. My. God.
What is she alleging? Drunk, regretted sex, or actual rape?
The funny thing is that half the Jews in Israel look like Jasmine and Aladin. You honestly can't tell the difference between a mizrahi Jew and a Palestinian.
This is game is getting too Messi. Must check Twitter.
So does this mean he'll name his next child Salmon?
This is amazing, and his last name is perfect. A cantor is a Jewish synagogue singer.
This singer pretty much nails it in his impression of 29 different celebrities in one song.
A San Francisco Burger King restaurant had somewhat of a mystery item on the menu when customers from Sunday's pride…
This ad is awesome. Your headline is not. Way to continue the cycle.
Why is it important to mention that she is a "pacifist activist and grad student"? Seems like this odd need to distinguish her from "THOSE" inmates who are just poor and most likely Black or Brown, who aren't activists. Who likely never went to college, let alone to grad school. Who are just people locked up for…
now all that's left is we should be able to get birth control over the counter.
At this point, that's actually a federally-accepted legal defense.
I always read his name as "Alan Rickman" and I go through a split second of panic and confusion.
My best friend Leslie said she's just being Miley
Facebook has gotten so lame. Seriously...anybody over 25 should not be on it anymore.
I wonder how she'd feel if her husband carried around a scarlett johansson cardboard cutout around with him everywhere.
Nursing is a hard job, and in a weird way, I feel like it would be good for female nurses if more men became nurses. Society sadly tends to respect men more, so if more men go into nursing, the profession as a whole would be respected more. I know a lot of people who look down on nurses, which is sad because it…
My husband made 6 figures as a regular ol' RN, BSN - not uncommon in a major metro area in a high acuity unit (ICU, ED, OR). Become a nurse, youngsters! My husband made almost as much with a bachelors last year as I did with my law degree, and he worked fewer hours.