because having it for selfish unnecessary reasons is immoral. just like slavery rape and murder is immoral.
because having it for selfish unnecessary reasons is immoral. just like slavery rape and murder is immoral.
i think it's really funny that you think i'm not a woman just because i don't agree with you.
i don't support legislation to criminalize abortion. that's not practical. i'm pro choice. i do however have very strong negative opinions about women who have abortions because the timing's not right or they like want to fit into their prom dress or whatever.
i don't know how old you are. i'm assuming like 50....but women my age, college aged women, are increasingly rejecting radical feminism. abortion rates will decline big time in the next few years thankfully.
i'm not christian, dumbass. i'm a secular jew.
you must have a lot of time on your hands if you're looking at all my posts.
so you're saying that overpopulation justifies abortion? i that logic lets go euthanize all the old people, all people with special needs and mental illness. i's not like they contribute to society. they're just using up all our resources.
if you say so. i mean...slave owners thought they were moral people. they thought that black people were better off as slaves, having food and a home, living simple lives. if you think taking away someone's life is okay then you most definitely are not a moral person.
honey, i AM liberal. i think we have to do A LOT more to help the disadvantaged in our society. you can care about unborn children and born children at the same. doesn't have to be mutually exclusive.
wow. way to twist my words. i never said the women and embryos are of EQUAL value. where did i say that? all i said was that embryos should be respected. we respect and protect the eggs of bald eagles. why should it be any different for unborn humans?
i'm actually not religious at all. you don't have to be religious to have moral values.
wow! actually a normal person on this site.
do you even have any conservative friends? you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. very few people actually think that a woman should not have an abortion if her life is at risk.
don't lump all pro lifers together. MOST people who are pro life DO support abortions if the mother's life is at risk. It even says that exception in the bible. Something like an ectopic pregnancy would be a reason to have an abortion that most people would agree on whether they be liberal or conservative.
you clearly are hanging around the wrong type of people. most people i know DO have special feelings about human embryos. most people value, appreciate and respect life no matter how young or old.
what's the big deal if i forget a condom? i could always just get an abortion if i get pregnant. no big deal.
and there are plenty of women who are anti babies
mozart was an excellent composer to choose for your twerking. i mean...he seriously was one kinky man. have you hear his song about rimming???
i'm pretty sure she's a black man hiding behind a white girl mask.
so you pretty much contradict yourself with that last sentence there. modern day abortionists support abortion of babies they deem undesirable just like hitler did. they encourage aborting babies with down syndrome, they encourage poor women to abort (MANY of who are black). Under the Nazi regime, over half a…