This is amazing, and his last name is perfect. A cantor is a Jewish synagogue singer.
This is amazing, and his last name is perfect. A cantor is a Jewish synagogue singer.
This is awesome. But not as awesome as Spongebob's rainbow patties.
now all that's left is we should be able to get birth control over the counter.
My best friend Leslie said she's just being Miley
Facebook has gotten so lame. Seriously...anybody over 25 should not be on it anymore.
I wonder how she'd feel if her husband carried around a scarlett johansson cardboard cutout around with him everywhere.
Nursing is a hard job, and in a weird way, I feel like it would be good for female nurses if more men became nurses. Society sadly tends to respect men more, so if more men go into nursing, the profession as a whole would be respected more. I know a lot of people who look down on nurses, which is sad because it…
it's very hard for new nurses to find work in hospitals without experience. a lot of my nurse friends got jobs in assisted living facilities because they couldn't find work in hospitals.
which is weird because nursing programs are already impacted to begin with. least that's the case in california.
nursing can be pretty lucrative. NPs make sometimes up to 6 figures.
The best way to prevent abortions is to prevent women from getting pregnant in the first place. That's why I don't understand why many pro-life people are anti contraception and anti sex education.
wouldn't it be more fitting to use Bill's picture?
This picture makes up for losing the game.
I go to UCSB, and I am so sick of hearing about Elliot Rodger. The media is giving him the fame he wanted. What about the victims? It's like they've been forgotten.
I don't see the big deal. Ive seen much more offensive shirts.
Wine makes me sleepy, and coffee wakes me up. So I'm wondering what this will do to me?
What do you call a foot selfie? A footsie?
Sending dirty underwear to undocumented immigrants.
They should go with Chelsea Clinton. The camera loves her, and she's extremely charismatic...